Our Membership

Member Dues
Pay to: The Treasurer
CashApp: $AnthonyTogba
Zelle: 817-800-4218
Fee is: $120
Membership Qualifications
Generally, to become a member of COLED, a person of Liberian descent must meet certain eligibility criteria, which include at a minimum a Bachelor’s Degree earned from an accredited university/college, plus at least five years of working experience in the member’s Field of Specialization. A member must be of good moral character and have no felony conviction. Refer to the general membership checklist below.
Application Process
A Membership Application including a Consent Form and an Attestation Questionnaire is required to be completed on the COLED website. All applicants are subject to vetting by COLED’s Membership Committee. All confirmed new members shall be required to pay annual membership dues effective the date of becoming a member. Members in good standing are eligible to participate in elections and/or stand for elected office.
Membership Eligibility Checklist
- College Graduate from an accredited university/college
- At least 5 years of work experience in the field of specialization
- Liberian Descendant by birth/immigration, and/or verifiable claim to Liberian nationality
- Complete 1)the Application, 2) the Consent Form, and 3) the Attestation Form
- Submit updated Curriculum Vitae or Resume with Application
- Submit Proof of College Degree earned from an accredited university/college with the Application
- Pay the required Membership Dues upon acceptance of the membership application
Associate Membership
Professionals who are not of Liberian descent but who meet all other membership qualifications herein are welcome and may become Associate Members of COLED upon referral by a member in good standing, subject to the consent of the Membership Committee, and approval by the Executive Committee. Associate Members shall abide by and uphold the COLED Constitution & Bylaws. However, associate members are not required to pay membership dues and do not have voting rights.
Membership Application Instructions
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS : Please assemble the required documents and fill in your application in one setting. Complete all sections of the Application, include all attachments, including a clear photo. The next step in the application process is to click the Submit Button to submit the application. Fill in the Consent and Attestation Forms (FINAL STEP). Note that the entire application will be rejected if the above steps are not followed, and you will have to start the process over again. Membership Application (Button) Kindly fill out the form with your correct information. QR Code Scan the QR code above to get the mobile version of the forms. Note that the entire application will be rejected if the above steps are not followed and you will have to start the process over again.

Kindly fill out the form with your correct information. Also, scan the QR Code below to get the mobile version of the form
Consent and Attestation Forms
Kindly fill in and sign the Consent Form or download the form to complete. Consent & Attestation Forms Icons (Button) Download Form Here (Button) Kindly fill out the form with your correct information. QR Code Scan the QR code above to get the mobile version of the forms.

Kindly fill out the form with your correct information. And also scan the QR Code below to get the mobile version of the form
Membership Rules
Download the Rules Here (Button) The Council of Liberian Experts in the Diaspora, Inc. (COLED) Membership rules derive from its Constitution and Bylaws
Council Of Liberian Experts In The Diaspora (COLED) – Vetting Process
- Application: Prospective members of COLED will be required to fill out an application form that includes basic personal information and qualifications for membership.
Screening: After receiving the application, the COLED Membership Committee will conduct a screening process to include the following:
- The applicant is a college graduate from an accredited university/college.
- Has 5 years of work experience in the field of specialization
- Liberian decent: (i.e. Liberian by birth/immigration or person whose legal parents are of Liberian decent.
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume and proof of college degree.
Selection and Notification: After completing the vetting process, the Membership Committee will contact applicants with an acceptance decision. In the event an applicant is rejected, the application will be referred to the Executive Committee for a final decision. An applicant accepted for membership will pay the required annual membership due to complete the registration process.
Membership Leadership
The Membership Committee Members