Council of Liberian Experts in the Diaspora

Robert G. Sherman, Ph.D.
Founder, COLED
Welcome Message From Our Founder
2023 marked the 176th independence anniversary of our ancestral homeland, Liberia. Despite its colossal mineral and natural resource endowments, its socioeconomic development is not in tandem with its age. The United Nations and other organizations that track economic development around the globe continue to characterize Liberia as one of the least developed countries as manifested by very high illiteracy rates, high infant mortality, food insecurity, low levels of manufacturing/industrialization, poor infrastructure, low life expectancy that is triggered by an abysmal healthcare delivery system as well as unemployment/underemployment rates that are astronomical.
Our Clusters
Our clusters reflect the various sectors of the Liberian economy. Members with academic backgrounds and practical/professional experiences in the referenced sectors caucus amongst themselves to identify the causes of Liberia’s economic malaise and offer innovative solutions that focus on private-sector initiatives.
The fundamental goal for the Council of Liberian Experts in the Diaspora (COLED) is to harness the talents. and skill sets of accomplished Liberian professionals in the diaspora and collaborate with colleagues at home to alleviate poverty and promote socio-economic development in Liberia. To achieve this objective, clusters will be created that reflect the various sectors of the Liberian economy as highlighted in this document. Liberians, including Interim Cluster Chairs with academic background and practical/professional experiences in the referenced sectors will be recruited, vetted, and assigned. Once this process is completed, cluster members will caucus amongst themselves and choose permanent leaders.
They will identify the causes for our economic malaise and offer innovative solutions that focus on private sector initiatives. They will coordinate the activities of the clusters and report to the Vice President of Operations and, via him/her to the Executive Committee for consideration. Because several of the critical issues are interrelated among clusters, the Technical Committee and the Vice President for Operations will work with Cluster leaders to ensure efficiency. Below is the Proposed Term of Reference (Template) for a Cluster, example Agriculture/Agribusiness.. ..Read More
A Year of Progress and Promise: COLED's Update
As the crisp autumn air settles over Phoenix, we find ourselves reflecting on a year of significant progress for the Council of Liberian Experts in the Diaspora (COLED). Launched in October 2023, COLED was founded with the ambitious goal of harnessing the collective expertise of Liberian professionals in the diaspora to contribute to the development of their homeland.
Building a Strong Foundation
Over the past year, COLED has laid a strong foundation for its future endeavors. Key achievements include:
- Organizational Structure: The development and adoption of a robust constitution and bylaws, followed by the election of an interim executive committee to guide the organization’s strategic direction.
- Membership Recruitment and Vetting: The establishment of rigorous guidelines to ensure the recruitment of highly qualified and committed members who share COLED’s vision.
- Digital Platform: The creation of a dedicated website to serve as a central hub for information sharing, resource dissemination, and member engagement.
- Cluster Formation: The establishment of fifteen specialized clusters, each focused on a critical area of development, including education, healthcare, agriculture, and technology. These clusters provide a platform for members to collaborate, share knowledge, and develop actionable solutions.
- Government Engagement: COLED has initiated productive dialogues with key Liberian government officials, including President Boakai, Education Minister Dr. Jarso Jallah, and Director General of the Liberian Cabinet, Honorable Nat Kwabo. These engagements have paved the way for collaborative partnerships and identified priority areas for intervention, highlighting development challenges and opportunities for COLED to offer pragmatic solutions. For example, a Zoom meeting with the Minister of Education was held in October, and another meeting is scheduled for November with the Health Minister, Dr. Kpoto. Dr. Jallah highlighted the educational challenges plaguing Liberia, and our Cluster on Education is identifying innovative strategies. Their recommendations will be contained in our White Paper on Education and submitted to Minister Jallah for review and implementation with assistance from COLED. This process will be replicated with Dr. Kpoto and other government officials. These active engagements with the Government of Liberia should be the commencement of COLED’s active role in fostering the country’s development agenda.
A Year of Action and Impact
COLED's impact has been felt through various initiatives
- Policy Development: The development of a framework for producing high-quality white papers that address critical challenges facing Liberia. These papers will provide evidence-based recommendations to inform policy decisions and drive sustainable development.
- Capacity Building: The provision of technical assistance and training to Liberian institutions and communities, leveraging the expertise of COLED members.
- Advocacy and Outreach: The advocacy for policies and programs that promote good governance, transparency, and accountability in Liberia.
Looking Ahead: A Brighter Future
As we enter 2025, COLED is poised to accelerate its impact and achieve even greater heights. Key priorities for the coming year include:
- Official Launch: The formal launch of COLED, marking a significant milestone in the organization’s journey. We will provide details soon for your input.
- Cluster Engagement: The intensification of cluster activities, including the organization of regular meetings, workshops, and webinars to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
- Strategic Partnerships: The forging of strategic partnerships with government agencies, international organizations, and private sector entities to amplify COLED’s impact.
- Resource Mobilization: The exploration of innovative funding mechanisms to support COLED’s initiatives and ensure its long-term sustainability.
Ladies and gentlemen, with a strong foundation established for COLED, we envision 2025 as our “take-off phase.” Building successful engagements with government officials like Drs. Jallah and Kpoto, we will utilize our General Meetings to connect our Clusters with relevant leaders. A monthly calendar of these events for 2025 will be shared shortly.
This means that all of us must renew our commitment to what brought us together: our founding principles. Pontificating in the chatroom on topics that we cannot influence nor advance our purpose is asinine. Such posts will be promptly deleted. Your talents/expertise/experiences are most needed in the Cluster where you will caucus with your colleagues and promulgate new ideas/strategies for the renewal of Liberia. Engaging in political diatribes is inimical to our purpose. As William James advised, “act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” This is why you are a bonafide member of COLED.
In light of the above, let’s continuing harnessing, indeed, expanding the reservoir of Liberian professionals in diaspora so that it can be tapped for poverty reduction in our homeland. In this context, let’s continue working together today for a better Liberia tomorrow.
All the best, Dr. Sherman : 602-770-9280
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